Does God Ever Lead Us?

    A couple of weeks ago, while examining the third commandment, I talked about the common practice of Christians attaching God’s name to their actions and choices, thereby claiming a kind of “divine endorsement” on their decisions. How often do we hear Christians say something like, “The Lord led me to __________.” And I sited a few examples where others claimed to be led by the Lord when clearly, God would not have have led anyone to contradict Scripture. There are also times when people will talk about God’s leading in their lives, and while they may not be violating something specific in the Bible, the actions they are claiming God’s leading on appear to be foolish. While I can’t judge in those cases whether or not that person had indeed heard from God, I cautioned the congregation to be very careful about attaching God’s name to anything we are doing, unless it is specific in Scripture or we are absolutely sure that God is speaking to us about the matter. To claim that the Lord is leading us, when it’s really our own emotions, or desires, or even logic, is to violate the third commandment.
    And I’ve heard from a number of you since. Because it would be difficult for me to answer each of you individually, let me respond here as best I can.
    First, God does speak to us at times outside of Scripture, and those who have received Jesus as Savior do have the Holy Spirit within them, who leads, teaches, convicts, and directs. God certainly does want us to go to him about the common things of life. If you are interested in a guy or a girl for a relationship, he wants you to talk to him and ask him for wisdom. He wants you to pray about things such as what job you take, what house you buy or apartment you rent. But he also enjoys seeing you make your own decisions. When my kids ask for my advice, I freely give it, but they make their own decisions (now that they are adults). Just as God wants us to include him in the choices we make (and his revealed will should be first and foremost), he also wants us to take responsibility for our decisions.
    Perhaps a better way to include God and yet take ownership of our actions, is to seek Biblical principles, ask for advice from mature believers who demonstrate wisdom in their own lives, pray and ask for promptings from the Holy Spirit, and then make the decision. And rather than insisting that God is the one who decided for us, let’s just admit that we did what we believe was right and best.
    If you insist that God brought you and your girlfriend together, how will you explain it if/when she breaks up with you? Will you insist that she is rebelling against God by ending the relationship that you claimed he brought about? Think of all the times we (myself included) have said, “The Lord is leading…” about something that didn’t work out. Where God leads, it works. And the fact is, sometimes we think it might be God, when it’s just what we want to do anyway. Think about this, in the Bible, when God led people to do something specific, it usually wasn’t very pleasant, and it wasn’t what they wanted to do (Moses, Jonah, Paul). Usually when we claim that the Lord is leading, it’s what we would want to do anyway. So you say the Lord is leading you to ask that girl out...but I’ll bet you have a crush on her anyway. ☺
    I know that it is often said that God has a very specific plan for everyone. But let’s remember, we are not biological robots. There are times where he gives very specific instructions. But most of the time, he enjoys interacting with us regarding our lives, and he enjoys seeing us make choices and taking responsibility for those choices. Always claiming the Lord’s leading cheapens the concept, and takes attention away from when he really is. Let’s all be careful to only attach God’s name to those things where we are absolutely sure he has spoken. Then, when we know he has, it is all the more meaningful!


The Power of Words


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