Where You Give Matters

GiveTwo landscapers were working vigorously in a park. But a casual observer was confused by what he saw. One man was digging a hole, and the other man was filling it up. They were making good time, but what they were doing didn’t seem to make sense. So he asked them about it.“We’re planting trees. I’m digging the hole. He’s filling it in. But the guy who puts the tree in is sick today."You can work really hard and yet accomplish nothing. Right? Most of us have done that to some degree.It’s the same way with generosity. Every follower of Jesus ought to be generous. It’s a primary characteristic of someone who follows Jesus. He taught us this and it was a theme of Paul’s letters. It’s both an obligation, as well as a blessing. Those who choose not to be generous choose not to be blessed. No matter what your income level, God wants you to be generous.But, like where we put our efforts, where we give our money, matters. None of us should want to be like the guys digging and filling holes, while accomplishing nothing. There are so many pleas for help and so many places we could give to, it’s important that we think through not only how much we give, but also, what we give to.As Christians, I am absolutely convinced that it is both Biblical and practical for us to give first to the local church. Here’s why:•  Biblical precedent. In the Old Testament, tithes were to be given to the local synagogue where the people lived and worshipped. It’s what Malachi was saying in his command from God, "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house” (Malachi 3:10). Also, Paul’s exhortations on generosity in the New Testament directed them to give through their local church.•  Accountability. When you give through your local church, you know that there is a system in place to make sure the money is being handled with absolute integrity. (If you don't know that, you should find a church where it is). You know and see those who are leading the church, how they live and that they are prudent and careful in their own personal financial dealings. There are no rich CEOs or money grubbing staff members who are living extravagant lives off your gifts. You can be assured that your gifts are being used for their intended purpose. That cannot be said about all charities.•  Priority. When you give through the local church (I can say this in general, but specifically our church: The Bridge), your gifts are being used directly to impact eternity. I know that there are a lot of good charities that we can give to (and Linda and I do with our gifts beyond the tithe). But I know of none that so directly affect eternity as the church. The local church is God’s plan for his Great Commission. And there is nothing that is more important than people’s eternal destiny. Even if we feed and clothe the poor, if we do not turn them to Christ, we have accomplished little. Our generosity ought to first be directed to God’s Kingdom expansion, and that directive has been given to the local church.

I know of no place where you can give and accomplish more than giving through this local church.

•  Impact. Churches like ours not only make a difference in our local communities, we impact the world. Our gifts accomplish ministry here as we minister to children and reach teens and adults. Our church is filled with life transformational stories because of the gifts that people here give. But those gifts also feed and clothe the poor in this area, we support a homeless shelter in Romania, enable people to minister in South America, Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Gifts given through The Bridge impact eternity around the world!I hope you are a generous person. I really do. If you are not, you are missing out. I wish I could convince every follower of Jesus of the joy that tithing brings. God’s principles work and giving to his service pays dividends way beyond any benefit that money could be used to achieve when kept or spent on other things. I want you to experience the joy of generosity. But that joy is experienced best when we know that it is being used for things that matter.What could possibly be more valuable than souls?


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