Written Post Scott Ziegler Written Post Scott Ziegler

God Has Double Vision

What to do with this huge block of stone? It took months to cut it out and move it from the quarry to its current resting place. Now after two of the finest sculptors in the world attempted to make it look like something meaningful, they gave up. It was now thought to be flawed, useless, and an eyesore in the public square. It sat that way — unused, unfinished, unsightly — for nearly a hundred years.

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Written Post Scott Ziegler Written Post Scott Ziegler

River Or Reservoir?

I remember very little from church growing up. Our church was liturgical and I didn’t understand it. The sermons were boring and I’d almost always fall asleep. It’s one of the reasons I tell our young pastors, “It is a sin to preach a boring sermon!” And that’s why we strive to be engaging, Biblical, applicable, and inspiring.

But one thing in the liturgy I do remember…at the end of every service, the pastor would give the Aaronic benediction…

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Written Post Scott Ziegler Written Post Scott Ziegler

Not Time To Relax

We had a lot to do to get ready for last weekend. Launching Hoist The Sail involved so much…books designed and printed. Videos prepped and recorded. Sermon series prepared and written. Even music written and arranged. All with a hard deadline.

I felt relief on Sunday afternoon. I remember sitting back and feeling, “Phew.”

And then, I remembered having that feeling before.

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Written Post Scott Ziegler Written Post Scott Ziegler

Benefits Of Boredom

The Italians call it: “il dolce far niente”— the sweetness of doing nothing. For most of us, the closest we get to that saying is “just killing time.”

And that’s sad. Because boredom is good for us in many ways. I know the Amish saying, “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.” And it’s true…without self-control, too much boredom can lead us into bad patterns of thinking and behavior.

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Written Post Scott Ziegler Written Post Scott Ziegler

The Dead Sea And You

One of the highlights for everyone who has travelled to Israel with us is swimming in the Dead Sea.

I love to swim and had heard others talk about the Dead Sea. I've wanted to swim in it since I was a boy when I first heard a teacher explaining what it was like. It’s beyond description.

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Written Post Scott Ziegler Written Post Scott Ziegler

House On Sand

Jesus called it. If you build your house on sand, it will eventually fall.

But Mark and Barbara Blasch thought they knew better. Somehow they were able to get the permits to build a multi-million dollar mansion on the eroding sand of Cape Cod Bay in 2010. But wind and sea erosion slowly took away the little bit of dunes between the house and the bay, until they had to remove their front deck and master bedroom. The rest of the house is now on the precipice of tumbling into the sea…

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