What Do You Say?
I have perfect pitch. I guess it’s pretty unusual. I learned when I was a kid that I could hum middle C without hearing it first. I later learned that’s perfect pitch. I just now tried it again, hummed what I thought was middle C, and then played the note online, and bingo, I had it exactly. I understand that even a lot of accomplished musicians and singers are not able to do that.
But when I was a kid…
Why Does It Matter?
Several years ago I had lunch with a young local business man and aspiring politician. He asked me, “What gets you up in the morning?” Meaning, what am I passionate about, what gets me excited?
“The resurrection of Jesus.”
Another School Shooting
Why do these things keep happening. Now it’s a Christian elementary school. Little 9 year-olds mercilessly gunned down!
Some point to the proliferation of guns. That argument can be made, though more households had guns in America when I was growing up than today, but there were no school shootings that I remember hearing about.
A Fourth Location?
“Are you crazy?” None of you reading this are surprised that I’ve been asked that.
The Bridge really is one church, though we currently operate four campuses in three locations (Spanish service is organized as a campus).
Saint Patrick
When Junior was little, he thought the whole world celebrated his birthday on March 17 by putting out decorations with his favorite color, green. He didn’t know that his birthday was also Saint Patrick’s Day.
Ding Dong & Dash
A nun walking down the street noticed a young boy on his tiptoes trying to press a doorbell on a house across the street. Although he was trying very hard, he wasn’t tall enough to reach the doorbell.
After watching the boy’s efforts for a moment, the nun walked across the street, up the steps to the porch, and came up behind the little guy, lifted him up a couple of feet. The boy giggled as he gave the bell a solid ring.