“The unexamined life is not worth living.” – Socrates
Doing an honest examination of self is a difficult thing. Every weekend at The Bridge, we attempt to lead you to this with our “So What?” moment at the close of the sermon.
Out Of Control
There are some things you can control. You can control what you say and do. You can control your attitude and how you think. These are responsibilities God gives us and we are accountable for them.
But there are some things you can’t control.
Cultivating Tomorrow
Linda and I were grocery shopping. There were three different moms with their children that we heard all throughout the store. There was a lot of yelling, swearing, and threats. Now I know, grocery shopping with small children can be a challenge. But it was breaking my heart to hear these kids spoken to in the way that they were. I thought, “No child should be talked to this way.”
Attractional Church?
The silly things church “experts” argue about!
If you’ve been in Christian circles for a time, you have probably heard the criticism of attractional churches. Usually, those comments compare what is called “missional” churches with “attractional” churches.
One Month In
In Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens tells the story of a physician who was imprisoned in a French penitentiary for twenty years. Unable to practice medicine, he took up shoe cobbling while incarcerated, making and fixing shoes for his fellow inmates. For twenty years, he could be heard working in his cell late at night, tapping away, repairing the shoes of prisoners.