Asleep At The Wheel
Throughout college and seminary, I didn’t get a lot of sleep. I worked a lot, went to school, and served as a youth pastor on the weekends. In addition to some embarrassing episodes falling asleep in class, I had some precarious incidents while driving.
Are You Saved?
You have probably heard people talk about being “saved.” Jesus said that He came into the world “to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10 NIV). What does that mean?
What Are You Leaving Behind?
A man in Gallatin, Tennessee walked into a Walmart dressing room with a new pair of jeans. He took off his old worn and dirty jeans, and put on the new pair from off the rack. They fit well! So, he ripped off the tags and walked out…all the way out of the store.
What’s Easier?
“It’s easier to keep going than to restart.” That’s all I could think of while huffing and puffing and sweating profusely. I was only two miles into a measly three mile run, and at a pace much slower than two months before.
That was the problem. It had been two months since my last marathon, and I had not run even a block since.
Faith Is A Muscle
I was just a young boy the first time I flew in an airplane. It was exciting to me. But when we hit turbulence and the plane started bopping up and down, my excitement morphed into fear. The next time my uncle offered to take me up, I wasn’t sure I wanted to go.