Turn The Page On 2024
2024 is soon to be over. For some of you, it was a great year. But for others, it was a year to forget.
Some of you went through a painful breakup this last year. Some of you lost your job. Others went through a friendship betrayal, family drama, personal defeats, and health challenges.
For some, this was a year that you want to put behind you.
Christmas Blessing
It doesn’t make sense, but it was my favorite Christmas. It especially doesn’t make sense that it was our kids’ favorite Christmas…but it was.
It was a difficult year financially. Our expenses were high and income was low. We had a capital campaign at church and we committed a gift over and above our regular giving that was a stretch for us. And then we had some medical bills not covered by insurance.
Fix Yourself
When the type on his printer began to grow faint, Bob called a local repair shop where a friendly clerk informed him the printer probably only needed to be cleaned. Because the store charged $50 for cleanings, the clerk told Bob he could read the printer's manual and try to do it himself.
Bob asked, "Does your boss know that you discourage business?”
Boiling Water
A young woman was complaining to her father about how difficult her life had become. He said nothing, but took her to the kitchen and set three pans of water to boiling. To the first pan, he added carrots; to the second, eggs; and to the third, ground coffee. After all three had cooked, he put their contents into separate bowls and asked his daughter to cut into the eggs and carrots and smell the coffee. “What does this all mean?” she asked impatiently.
This Santa?
Christmas is coming! Parents, how will you approach the Santa thing the year?
If taught right, Santa can be a springboard for reinforcing young minds with the true meaning of Christmas. After all, there was a real Santa Claus.
Just Skip It This Year
You should skip Thanksgiving this year if you are a grumbler, complainer, or a generally negative person. After all, you’ll just be a hypocrite. Why would you celebrate a day that you don't believe in? If your modus operandi is to look for what you think is wrong and voice it, just forget the day. Everyone will be looking at you like, “What’s she doing here?”