There’s nothing like a bout with the flu to help you appreciate good health.
Brock, Linda and I went to Texas for the weekend, to visit my uncle and cousins. It was a great break from the weather here to enjoy sunny, 75 degree days, hiking and riding trails in east Texas.
But one of my cousins came down with something while we were staying at her house. She had a high fever, body aches, chills, stuffed head… know what I’m talking about. We soon left her house for her sake, but evidently I brought a little of her with me. On Monday, I woke up with a scratchy throat. By Monday night, I had a fever and most of my cousin’s symptoms. I don’t often get sick, and when I do, I get over it more quickly than others. But this time, I was down for the count for a couple of days. It wasn’t until Thursday before I was able to make it back into the office.
How did I get it? I caught it from my cousin. We hugged when I arrived, and that’s all it took. Viruses are like that. They move from one person to another and you don’t even know it is happening.
A lot of things in life are communicable. Attitudes, good and bad, are quickly passed from one person to another. Gossip breeds gossip, anger incites anger, envy creates more envy. But on the other hand, love engenders love, excitement ignites excitement, peace produces peace.
Where are your attitudes coming from? Who is rubbing off on you?
More importantly, what attitudes are you passing on? How are you infecting your workplace, family or neighborhood?
The truth is, we are all communicable. We are impacted by others and in turn, we impact others. By being intentional about where our influences are coming from, we can better control our own attitudes and values. And when we understand how our way of thinking is contagious (not altogether different from the flu), we can choose the kinds of attitudes and values we pass on to others.
You can’t help it that you infect others. It wasn’t my cousin’s fault that I got sick. But unlike passing on a virus, you can choose what you infect others with. You can influence your world for good or for bad. Which will it be?