Just Take Your Business Elsewhere
Last month in New York City, 45 year-old Harold Luken walked into a Bank of America and announced that he had a gun and was going to rob the place. He then went to the teller line and told those in front of him to carry on their business. When he finally reached the teller, he again announced that he had a gun and told her to empty the contents of her register. Knowing the police were about arrive (since he had given them plenty of notice :-), she refused. So he then gave her his bank card and asked to check his balance. She again refused. The man, reportedly, angrily stormed off muttering, “I’ll just take my business to Citibank and rob them!”
He was arrested on the sidewalk within minutes after he exited the bank. I’m sure Bank of America will be sad to see Harold go.
In my nearly 25 years of pastoring, I’ve met a few “Harolds.” After displaying negative attitudes, lots of complaining and multiple attempts to stir up trouble, they would eventually say something like, “I think it’s time I find another church.” I’d usually smile and agree, “Ya, Harold (their names were never actually Harold), I think you’re right.” They’d be astonished I didn’t try to talk them into staying. But for me, it was kind of like Bank of America hearing, “I’ll just take my business to Citibank and rob them!” The difference is, we are not in competition with other Gospel preaching churches and I want all of them to do well and do not wish soul robbers on any of them.
As a church, we are here to help those who are seeking find their way, feed those who want to grow, and direct those who want to serve. But some people seem to think we just want EVERYBODY here. Actually, The Bridge isn’t for everybody. The Apostle Paul told the Roman church, “I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them” (Romans 16:17). Those who detract from our mission, create an atmosphere of discontent, or hinder the spiritual growth of new believers, will not enjoy themselves at The Bridge, and we won’t work too hard to keep them in the position of “robbing” what God is doing in and through us.
I’m glad you are here. But this church has a mission. If you are here, take your time in getting to know us. But part of getting to know us is to know we want you serving WITH us. Don’t be a Harold. Discard the weapons and throw away the bag you were planning of filling for yourself, roll up your sleeves and join us in the work God has for us!