Do You Work Out?
Do you work out, run, lift weights, walk, bike, or otherwise get a good dose of exercise? I hope so! If you are not exercising regularly, starting and sticking with it will change your life! Mayo clinic recently put out a report on regular physical exercise, listing seven benefits (controls weight, combats health conditions and diseases, improves mood, promotes better sleep, puts the spark back into your sex life, and can be a lot of fun!)
Paul says that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19), and that they belong to God. That alone ought to tell us that we have a responsibility to take care of the temples He indwells. It’s a part of our worship. We do not honor him by letting such a wondrous part of His creation deteriorate without our care. Getting and staying physically fit is important. Paul did say, “….bodily exercise profits…” (1 Tim. 4:8 NKJV). There is value in exercise. But if you know that passage in 1 Timothy, you’ll see right away that I left out key components. In its entirety it says, “For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come” (1 Timothy 4:8 NKJV). I believe in physical exercise, which takes discipline. But far more importantly, I want to talk about spiritual exercise, or what we call, “spiritual disciplines.” In the verse just before this, Paul said to Timothy, “Exercise yourself (meaning to train or discipline) toward godliness.” Like physical fitness, spiritual fitness takes discipline and work. But the payoff is really worth it!
Using Mayo Clinic’s benefits of physical exercise, let’s see how they compare to spiritual exercise.
Exercise controls weight. A friend once said, “I don’t work out because if I did, I’d get more hungry, and then I’d wind up eating too much and gain weight!” Obviously, he was being sarcastic….poking fun at his own laziness. We all know that exercise burns calories, hence lessens physical weight. Spiritual disciplines (reading God’s Word, focused prayer, acts of love and service for others, corporate worship in the Body of Christ) does as well. There is something about spending concentrated time alone with God, as well as serving others selflessly, and worshipping God corporately, that lightens our load, alleviates our worries, and unburdens our thinking.
Exercise combats health conditions and diseases. It builds the body’s immune system, as do spiritual disciplines, which gives us the weaponry to feign off temptation and the attacks of Satan.
Exercise improves mood. When I am helping a depressed person, I immediately get them on a regimented sleep and eating schedule, and get the exercising daily. Exercising gets our juices flowing and elevates dopamine (the pleasure chemical in the brain) making us feel better. I can’t tell you how many times I have struggled emotionally and spiritually, knowing I needed to intense alone time with God. After getting away with Him for a while, I am always refreshed in every way!
Exercise promotes better sleep. There are a number of reasons for this, not the least of which is it just plain tires us out and gives our bodies the desire for sleep. But spiritual disciplines do more to give me a good night’s rest than anything else. I can wake up in the night with cares and worries just like everyone else. I learned a long time ago that the quickest way back to sleep is to pray! If it was God waking me up, He must want my attention, so I pray. If it’s the devil waking me up, He’s not too pleased with how I’m using my time so he lets me go back to sleep. Reading your Bible before bed, praying through a list of people you care about, as well as your own concerns, is like unloading the worries of your mind and giving them to God, allowing you to sleep in peace.
Exercise puts the spark back into your sex life. Sorry, I’ve got nothing for this one! Hahaha!
Finally, Mayo Clinic says that exercise is fun. You never think of discipline in any area to be fun, but it is. The happiest people I know are disciplined people. The most frequently depressed and miserable people I know, are slaves to their own feelings and passions. And essentially, that’s what discipline is, it’s overcoming our feelings and doing what we know we should do, instead of what we feel like doing. God has a way of delivering His peace and joy to those who discipline their lives to focus on Him and are following though with serving Him. In the end, spending time with God, obeying Him, and caring for others is the way to a fulfilled and happy life.
Do you exercise? I hope so. But more importantly, I hope you exercise your spiritual life. Paul told Timothy it has benefits for today that last into eternity!