Scandals in Washington
This has been quite the week of scandals in American politics. President Obama has, for the most part, enjoyed the goodwill of the mainstream press. But that appears to be interrupted this week. Major questions of credibility are now being asked in lieu of the Benghazi talking points affair, the procurement of Associated Press journalist telephone records, and the IRS maltreatment of conservative organizations. It does remind us of the fickle nature of political favor. And no matter who is to blame for the above issues, it also reminds us that politics is politics, no matter who is running the show. The Christian’s hope has never been and can never be in a human leader or political system.
Maybe just reading a blog from me that refers to current issues in politics makes you nervous. This is not, in any way, a commentary on what is happening in Washington. I certainly have my concerns with what is coming to light, but I have much bigger concerns. While both sides of the political spectrum are doing battle with each other, I am more concerned with whether or not Christians are being Christian. When it comes to politics, even Christians tend to defend to the death just about anything that their favorite politicians do or say, regardless of the truth or Biblical principles that are at stake. And even Christians tend to attack with venom those on the other side of the political spectrum, again, regardless of what Jesus taught about the attitudes we are to have towards everyone, including our enemies.
I am far more concerned with whether or not Christians are being Christian than I am with politicians being politicians. I expect lost people to behave like they are lost. I expect scandals in Washington and I’m not shocked when they happen. I’m not surprised that even Billy Graham’s organization has been singled out by the IRS. Jesus told us that persecution would be a reality for those who follow him. The fact that we haven’t been persecuted in the United States has been a blessing, but an unusual one. The world being the world should not unsettle us. And yes, we ought to do all we can to be positive influences. But the world will be the world. And they need to see something entirely different in us...JESUS!
So instead of obsessing over politics or the global march of Islam or the discouraging direction of morality, let’s become obsessed with following Jesus in every minute detail of our lives. Let’s be Christian first in the way we work, love our spouses, raise our kids, cheer at ballgames, engage in political discussions, and interact with our friends and extended families. If we simply take care of the responsibilities that our leader emphasized, the change we are supposed to produce in the world will take care of itself. Let’s just be everything!
“...that He might come to have first place in everything.” – Colossians 1:18 HCSB