Faithful Followers

Two weeks ago I began a mini-series called Four Faces of The Bridge. Each of these faces can be found if you look for them. Every church should have them and I am not sure I would want to be part of a church that didn’t. Hopefully, you will look for your own face and do an honest evaluation of where you are at.

Two weeks ago we talked about the Spiritual Seeker. All of us have either been one of these or currently are. Some of you have not yet made the conscious decision to give your life to Jesus Christ. We are glad you are here and invite you to examine our beliefs and our lives. We’d love to help you take that wonderful step of inviting Jesus into your life as Lord and Savior.

Last week, we talked about the Distracted Disciple. You have made the commitment to follow Jesus, but you’ve been distracted. We’d like to help you to see the futility of the values and things of this world. In the words of Jesus, it is so much more fulfilling to store up “treasures in heaven.”

This week I would like to applaud our Faithful Followers. You may have trouble identifying yourself as one because the closer we walk with Christ, the more humble we become and the more evident our failures are to us, and we would struggle with embracing that description. But I can attest many of you indeed, are faithful followers.

You are not perfect but you are growing. You are constantly looking for ways to learn more about Jesus in the Scriptures so that you can apply them to your lives, and become more like him. When you recognize areas in your life that need changing, you do not make excuses; you work on them. You make mistakes, but recognize them when you do, and are quick to confess.

And you are serving. You understand the principle that all Christians need to be serving Christians. You understand that you cannot separate the local church (Body of Christ) from Christianity. You understand that God wants all of us involved in ministry to some degree, and you are. You are faithful to that ministry, doing your best, and striving for excellence. “It is required in a steward that he be faithful” (I Corinthians 4:2).

So…to you faithful followers, some day you will hear those words from Jesus himself, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” In the mean time, thanks! We depend on you! You are a tremendous encouragement! Keep it up!

“Do not be weary in doing well, for in due season, you will reap, if you do not lose heart” (Galatians 6:9).


It’s Cold Outside


#Two Of Four