Your Best Day

Quiet Time"The very moment you wake up each morning, all your wishes and hopes for the day rush at you like wild animals. And the first job each morning consists simply in shoving them all back; in listening to that other voice, taking that other point of view, letting that other larger, stronger, quieter life come flowing in. And so on, all day. Standing back from all your natural fussings and frettings; coming in out of the wind.” – C. S. Lewis in Mere ChristianityThe first time I read that quote I thought, “How true!” Since giving my life to Christ over thirty-five years ago, my greatest battle is with myself…trying to take it back. And it starts the moment I wake up.And that’s why spending alone time with God in prayer and reading the Scriptures has to be a priority for me. For me, prayer is not about trying to get God to change his mind about things. It’s about God changing my mind about things. Because spiritual battles are in the mind. I need that time dedicated to prayer and the Bible. So do you.I learned years ago that a common practice of successful entrepreneurs, business leaders and statesmen, was setting aside time for reflection and thinking early in the morning before their work day begins. As a young man launching into ministry, I thought this could easily translate into a devotional time where I can remind myself that God has control over my day and everything I do should be directed by and dedicated to him.Do you have a daily quiet time? Let me give you some benefits of setting aside just 15-30 minutes for daily prayer and Bible reading (preferably in the morning).

  • It gets you ahead of the day. By praying through my schedule and the things that I need to get done that day, I go into it with my eyes wide open and ready for what is coming. Sure, I’ll get some surprises. But I’m ready for those surprises when I’m mentally prepared for the things I know are coming, and all of those things have been given to the Lord.
  • It adjusts your attitude. And attitude is everything. Gratitude and joy flow from attitude. Giving God control every morning puts me in the right frame of mind to handle whatever comes, and it puts me in the driver seat while taking directions from him. I think differently after spending time with Jesus.
  • It redirects your focus from problems to the problem solver. If I’ve given God everything, then he’s responsible for the problems that go with those things. Sure, he has some things for me to do…but he’s ultimately responsible. My quiet time with God replaces fear and worry with faith and trust.
  • It energizes you. Whether you are a morning person or not, you need daily spiritual and emotional energy. Time alone with God provides that…it’s like being plugged into the charger. He is your source. You need to be plugged into him every day!

Doing this consistently will enable each day to be the best day it could be. You’ll still have problems. You’ll still have surprises. You’ll still face difficulties. But you’ll be ready for them, you’ll have the right spiritual mindset to face them, and you’ll have the energy to make an impact.So get your phone out right now. Put it in your calendar with an alarm: Alone Time with God. Start first thing tomorrow morning!


Attention All Introverts!


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