What You Can Do
In my last post, I pointed out the fallacy of those who claim that there is a Christian position on the politics of how many refugees the United States Government should receive annually. The Scriptures do not instruct governments on those specifics. Nor does it direct believers as to what direction they should encourage their government to move. This is a wisdom issue that has multiple considerations and should be debated with civility and mutual respect.However, there are an abundance of Scriptures that instruct believers to welcome foreigners, love neighbors, and to seek out those with needs and demonstrate the love of Christ to them.You aren’t going to solve the world refugee crisis by arguing your views on Facebook, shouting down those who disagree with you, or participating in a violent protest. Those actions in the world are only exacerbating the problem.But God has called you to make a difference. You can do something.The Bridge is partnering with the organization, “Exodus World Service,” a Christian nonprofit that exists to mobilize and equip the Christian community to assist and befriend local refugees, and help them navigate the difficult terrain of settling in to a strange land, with foreign customs, and a different language.Imagine the impact you can have by connecting with an incoming refugee family or individual, helping them learn our community, teaching them how to grocery shop in our stores, and in general, helping them to get settled. Being a friend to another person at such a critical time turns you into a major influence and can give you opportunities as a Christian to live out who Jesus is in ways you may never otherwise have.Interested in participating? Put April 2 in your calendar. A representative from Exodus will be with us at The Bridge. We’ll be participating in collecting necessary supplies that incoming refugees need, as well as connecting with the refugees themselves, to befriend, show compassion, and come along side as hosts to help them navigate their new life here.“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me...as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me” – Jesus (Matthew 25:35, 40).