Sequoia Trees and Christians
The Sequoia trees of California tower as high as 300 feet above the ground. Strangely, these giants have unusually shallow root systems that reach out in all directions to surface moisture. You will seldom see a redwood standing alone because high winds will quickly uproot one growing by itself. That’s why they grow in clusters. Their intertwining roots provide support for one another against the storms. To blow one down, the whole forest would have to uproot and tip on its side!A Christian without a close network of fellow believers is like a Sequoia in a field by itself. Like the lone tree, a lone Christian will not remain rooted for long. We were not designed to live life alone. We face storms almost on a daily basis just by living life. Being detached from each other is leaving ourselves open to unprotected attack.Coming to church once a week isn’t really the solution, either. I’m all for faithful attendance to our weekend services, you know that. But if that is all you are getting at The Bridge, you are not getting enough, nor are you giving enough. God designed the Church to be a network of intertwining roots. The New Testament Church described in the Book of Acts was a vibrantly interactive group of believers, who had intertwined their roots as they grew, to strengthen themselves, as well as each other. Not only does the lone Christian leave himself open to storms’ destruction, he also is uninvolved in aiding the protection of others. God designed the Church so that we would be closely involved in one another’s lives, encouraging each other, praying for each other, and holding each other accountable.How can you be a part of the Church this way?Join a small group. Small groups are designed for just that purpose, to help others to care for you and to help you to care for others.