Sooner Than You Think

Chemo patients and their families complained to no avail. A hospital in Canada gave permission to a local funeral home to post advertisements on the doors leading into the cancer center. Imagine how it felt for them, going in for treatment, to see a funeral home flyer. Upsetting to say the least. And poor taste on the part of both the funeral home and the hospital. It wasn’t until a family member of a patient posted it on social media, causing major backlash, that the hospital took the flyers down.

But, I can’t help but think that a reminder of our impending deaths would be good for all of us. David prayed, “Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12).

David already knew about that which missionary physician Nelson Bell would write years later, “Only the person who is prepared to die is really prepared to live.”

Living with the recognition that life is fleeting enables us to make the best choices and to live for things that will last forever. That was David’s point in saying, “…that we may get a heart of wisdom.” With wisdom comes an eternal perspective. Living for eternity rather than for this temporal life.

This was also Jesus’ point when He told about the rich man, “God said to him, ‘You fool! You will die this very night. Then who will get everything you worked for?’” (Luke 12:20 NLT).

So, how can we be ready for that inevitable day?

•   Know that you are saved! (Romans 10:9-13). John said he wrote his epistle so that his readers would know that they are saved. Having the assurance of heaven changes everything for us in this life. And of course, it makes us ready for this life’s end.

•   Pursue God today. The all-important Shema is, “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength” (Deuteronomy 6:5 NIV). If you spend time with God in His Word and in prayer today, it will be a welcomed homecoming when this life is over.

•   Differentiate between eternal and temporary. What am I doing in this life that will make a difference in eternity? And what am I pursuing that will be behind me when that time comes, never to matter again? If I’m going to be ready for that day, I need to “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33).

For me, every funeral is like the funeral home flyer. It’s a reminder: that day is coming. And life today is better if we are living with eternity in mind.


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