Happy In January?

I’ve written a couple of summer blogs encouraging readers to get outside and enjoy the warm weather. But I’d like to encourage you to do the same thing in the cold.

In a Between The Lines episode about a week ago, Junior said, “We try to get outside in the winter as much as we can because it shortens the winter.” That’s a great point. Attempting to retreat from the cold and hiding inside makes you feel cooped up and the winter just feels longer.

Psychologists release an annual study every year identifying the happiest people in the world. Each year, it’s some of the coldest and darkest cultures that take the top spots (Norway, Iceland, Sweden)…never warm vacation areas. I’ve never seen Florida or Arizona on the list.

Scandinavians explain it by things that are inbred in their cultures. Relational get-togethers in cold climates are scheduled through the week in the winter months…so they visit each other, host game nights, etc. They also spend a fair amount of time in the outdoors…even in the dark and cold. They snowshoe hike, ski, and walk their shoveled sidewalks.

I began to practice this a couple of years ago. After giving up running, I started walking. I was tempted to move my walking indoors, but found it to be refreshing to walk the neighborhood, even in the cold. I have to admit I’m annoyed by the lazy people who do not shovel their walks, but I started wearing boots and trudging over the snow and ice. When I used to run, I never got the runner’s high. But walking in the winter gives me more refreshment and satisfaction than running ever did.

Is there a spiritual lesson in this? I think so.

We forget about the spiritual implications of enjoying God’s creation. This earth was created by God for us…to live in it and enjoy. I think we too quickly identify ourselves as “indoor creatures.” But the more indoorsy we’ve become, the more we’ve lost our happiness. I really think there is something spiritual about getting outside and communing with God. My best prayer time takes place on those walks…even in the cold. There’s a reason Jesus would retreat to the wilderness for His time with the Father. It wasn’t to a vacation spot or comfortable home that He would retreat to. It was to the wilderness.

So make the most of this winter. Get outside. Walk around. Take in the beauty of God’s creation. Breathe in the cold refreshing air. And talk to God.

You may find this to be your best winter yet!




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