Bored At Church?

I grew up being bored at church. When I later became serious about my faith and began training for ministry, I vowed to never let that happen in a place where I have something to do with it. Too many people stay away from church because too many churches are not worth going to.

I tell our staff that it’s a sin to turn church into a boring experience. At The Bridge, we work hard to bring music that reflects the excitement and depth of the Gospel. Our teachers spend a lot of time preparing to teach the Bible accurately and give relevant application. This is a church worth attending.

As with anything, though, you only get out of it what you put into it. If you want to make the most of your time at church, here’s how:

  • Be faithful. If church is an afterthought or a once-in-a-while thing, it’s going to mean less. I’d be bored with a book if I skipped every other chapter. Our sermon series are like that too. When you miss half, you will get less out of them. Commitment adds meaning to everything. So do that. Commit yourself to being here every week.

  • Serve. If you are coming to church just for you, then it becomes spiritual entertainment. Being entertained by the same thing over and over eventually becomes boring. So get involved. Mark the “Serving at The Bridge” box on your Connection Card and we’ll get you plugged in.

  • Come prepared. Spend some time in prayer before you get here and lead your heart to a place where it’s eager to worship and hear from God. And get here in time to be here for the WHOLE service. When you walk in late, you’ve set yourself up to miss something God may have for you. (It also sends a message to Him about your priorities).

  • Leave with a plan. Ask yourself when the service is done, “What do I need to do with this?” We close every sermon with a “So What?” moment. Take it seriously, and leave knowing what you are going to do with what you’ve learned.

  • Invite others. When people you’ve invited are here, your attendance will take on a whole new significance. So try to have a coworker, neighbor, or family member who otherwise doesn’t go to church sit next to you. They’ll benefit, and you’ll get more out of it too.

Church shouldn’t be boring. We promise to do our best to keep it compelling. But you have to do your part too. If you do, I can almost guarantee that The Bridge will never be boring for you.


Out Of Control

