Should We Outlaw Mother’s Day?
Anna Jarvis began to loathe what Mother’s Day became. She openly denounced it, begging people to stop buying cards, flowers, and candy. By the end of her life, she spent all of her personal savings in legal fees lobbying Congress to do away with the holiday she founded.
Life Was Easier
I’ll have to admit, my job was easier six years ago. Six years ago we had one campus and one location. I was responsible for a wonderful, though much smaller staff. I was preaching sermons, leading staff meetings, discipling, and doing a little bit of counseling.
In All Situations
Dr. Fred Faust tells of the following man: “Early in my ministry, I met a man named Worral. He had been stricken with rheumatoid arthritis at age 15, and when I met him 30 years later, he was totally paralyzed except for 1 finger, could barely speak and was totally blind.”