How Do You Handle Big News?

    When you get big news, how do you respond?
    “Well that depends on if it's good news or bad news,” you might reply. Does it really? Studies show that successful people tend to process good and bad news in the same way. People who react poorly to bad news also tend to make bad decisions in the wake of good news.
    For example, decisions in the aftermath of seemingly great news of instant wealth, such as winning the lottery, depend largely on how that person has historically handled distasteful news, such as the loss of a job. Here’s what I have learned:
    People who tend to handle life well process news, good and bad, in the same way. First, they analyze the problems as well as the opportunities that accompany this news. Good news and bad news alike carry with them both problems and opportunities. Next, they give consideration to their options; that is different ways in which they could respond and what the likely outcomes of those options will be. Third, they get advice from credible sources. Finally, they make a decision as to whether or not the news they received warrants a response and if so, what kind of response that should be based on the options they have considered.
    It is this kind of process that determines whether or not the loss of a job brings an opportunity for something better or becomes the source of bitterness. It also determines whether or not sudden wealth sends the recipient to eventual ruin or propels him to invested generosity and success.
    So it isn’t the nature of news that makes it good or bad, it’s the response of the hearer that ultimately determines whether or not the news is good!
    I was told I could no longer live with my family when I was 17 years old. I had to do something with that news. In the end, it was good news, believe it or not. Perhaps you have recently received some disappointing news. Remember, the jury is still out. God has a way of turning what appears to be bad into what ultimately is good (Romans 8:28). And that depends largely on your reaction, whether or not you will incorporate His grace into your response.
    For all of us, big news is around the corner. It’s up to you and your submission to God’s purposes that will determine whether or not it will be good or bad for you in the end.
    “As far as I am concerned, God turned into good what you meant for evil. He brought me to the high position I have today so I could save the lives of many people.” –Genesis 50:20 (NLT)


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