Is There Only So Much You Can Do?

Mary Joseph

Mary was a nobody. Joseph was too. Shepherds were the object of ridicule. Bethlehem was a tiny outpost. 

But today, more people around the world know and admire them than the most famous of modern celebrities.

The Christmas story is filled with little people, little places, and little things. It seems that God loves most to use those of us who are acutely aware of our limitations. I think he takes pleasure in overwhelming us with blessing that we know we could never have accomplished on our own.

I certainly feel that way. My limitations have been the strength of my ministry. I look around and see others who have been gifted beyond measure. Some major megachurch ministries are led by men who have the natural ability to operate Fortune 500 companies. And I rejoice in every case where they have consecrated their talents and use them for God’s service.

But for me, my limitations have been my strength. Because I don’t have a magnetic personality, exceptional organization or management skills, and because I’m not naturally eloquent, I’ve had to depend on God’s supernatural work and the gifting of others who surround me. I know I can’t do it all so I don’t try. Instead, I depend on those who can do things much better than me. When that happens, the gifting of multiple people is unleashed, everyone involved depends on God to bring it together, and the Holy Spirit does the work that none of us could do individually or even as a team.

And the result has produced joy beyond measure.

I’m no Joseph and I’m no Mary. But I think I have a taste for the favor they felt when realizing that they were used in such a wonderful and undeserved fashion. The incarnation was 100% the work of God. And yet many people were privileged to participate in it.

That’s how I feel about The Bridge. If a ministry could be built in the flesh (I suspect many have been), it still could not be done by me. And yet, when I have those moments such as this last week, when I ran across a prayer card from five years ago where a young woman indicated that she was receiving Jesus, and how now her whole family and extended family are Christ-followers attending every week, I sit back with awe on the work of God and am overwhelmed by the privilege of participating.

Are you in the middle of a situation where you know that there is only so much you can do? That’s a really good place to be. Once you acknowledge your limitations, you are ready to depend fully on God. So do what you can. But know that it’s not enough. Then trust God for the rest.

It was through nobodies and nothings that God saved the world. What does he want to do through you?


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