Why It's Good to Be a Follower


In his book “None of These Diseases,” S. I. McMillen tells a story of a young woman who wanted to go to college, but her heart sank when she read the question on the application blank that asked, "Are you a leader?" Being both honest and conscientious, she wrote, "No," and returned the application, expecting the worst. To her surprise, she received this letter from the college: "Dear Applicant: A study of the application forms reveals that this year our college will have 1,452 new leaders. We are accepting you because we feel it is imperative that they have at least one follower."

For some reason we put a high premium on leaders, as though they are better than followers. 

They aren’t.

Here’s a couple of reasons to learn to be a good follower:

•  Only good followers make good leaders. I didn’t know I was a leader for years. I had to first learn to be a good follower. And I have no interest in following anyone who isn’t himself a good follower.

•  Everyone follows someone. The question is whether or not you are following the right people.

•  Being a good follower is like ducking, so that accountability hits your leader. So following the right leader can be relaxing.

•  Being a leader is filled with anxiety, stress and worry. Followers can better enjoy the journey. Leaders die younger.

•  Followers make the leader. Without them, leaders have nothing to do.

•  Followers are the people who get things done. Leaders may provide direction, but followers do the work. Leaders get more credit than they deserve. Followers will get theirs in the end.

You know what strikes me about church history? Jesus didn’t choose people to launch his church who were proven leaders. He chose people who were proven followers. When he called them, they immediately dropped everything and followed him. They didn’t learn to lead until much later. They learned to be good leaders by being good followers. And not only did they launch a 3,000 member church in a day, they then invested themselves into another generation of followers who took the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

Don’t ever feel as though you are of less value because you are a follower and not a leader. "Of such is the kingdom of God!" (Mark 10:14)




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