Planning For 2017


The new year is the time many of us take inventory of our lives and evaluate those things that we want to change, or at least, make improvements to. That’s a good thing. I think all of us should regularly examine ourselves and ask The Lord what he wants us to focus on in the near future.

As a staff, we’ve been using the following questions within our accountability groups to help us start the new year with Spiritual Goals. I’d like to encourage you to share this list with at least one other person that you can trust, and go through the questions together. Then hold on to them along with your written answers and see where things are three months from now, six months from now, and again at the end of the year.

1. What will be my Bible reading plan for 2017?

2. What specific step will I take in the new year to love my family better? 

3. On what non-believer(s) will I focus my prayers and evangelistic efforts in 2017?

4. In whom will I invest my life as a disciplemaker (mentor) this next year? 

5. What sin will I fight the hardest to overcome in the new year? 

6. What will be my giving and saving goals for 2017?

7. When will I fast next year? 

8. What mission or service projects will I take on 2017? 

9. How many books will I read next year, and which ones will I read that I’ve been planning on? 

10. Am I committed to follow God in 2017 – regardless of the sacrifice or cost? It’s easy to answer this question as long as the price I pay is minimal. 


How To Have A Happy New Year


The Day Christ Was Born