The Christian Position on Refugees and Immigration

RefugeesEveryone at The Bridge and anyone who reads this blog knows what I believe about politics. Unless there is clear intersection between Scripture and political positions, the church should stay out. Even when it comes to a Biblical understanding of life and morality, it is not our place to tell the government how to operate. God’s rules for his people are just that, for his people. We are of a different kingdom than the kingdoms of this world, and our calling is far higher than that of secular politics or government policy. For a reminder on the Biblical basis for this, listen to our sermon series, “Outsiders” from last fall.But God has called us to love and minister to all those in need who are within our ability to reach. Whatever your position is on legal and illegal immigration, if you are a follower of Jesus, you are called to connect with, care for, meet the needs of, and witness to all downtrodden, oppressed and/or disadvantaged. And who is in greater need today in America than those who have come to us from a foreign land and are looking for a new start?I have read the articles written by well-meaning pro-immigration and pro-refugee authors who attempt to make a Biblical case for a government policy that aligns with their view. While they’ve made good arguments, I’ve winced at their misuse of Scripture. I’ve also read the articles written by equally well-meaning protectionists who attempt to make a Biblical case for a government policy that aligns with their view. And I’ve winced at their equal misuse of Scripture.Here’s the truth: there is no Biblical or Christian position on government policy regarding refugees and immigration. These are wisdom issues that are up for debate and they should be discussed and deliberated in a reasonable fashion with decency and mutual respect for the other person. If everyone would listen to the opposing view with an eagerness to learn, perhaps a workable solution could be arrived at, and unity in the nation could be restored. But claiming Biblical authority on the matter is irresponsible of sound Biblical hermeneutics. There is no Biblical position on government limitation of refugees and immigration. I’m in favor of Christians debating the matter if done with humility (eagerness to learn), decency and respect, and as long as Scripture is not abused in that debate.But here’s something where there is no debate: Christians are to love, care, and advocate for those God has placed in their midst in an active way. It’s easy to say you have an opinion on what the government should do. Everyone has opinions. God isn’t interested in your opinions, he’s interested in your actions. Here’s the reality: we have an influx of refugees and immigrants and they are all around us. What will we do as the hands and feet of Jesus to care for them and demonstrate what it really means to follow Jesus?So now that I’ve ticked off everyone engaged in the argument, let’s use that emotional energy to go after God’s call and go to town on caring for the people around us!I’ll tell you how in the next post.


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