Water Is Poison?

    A middle school student in Idaho won first prize in a project he did for his school’s science fair. He wanted to show how conditioned Americans have become to accept junk science without thinking through published studies or their conclusions. In his project he urged people to sign a petition demanding strict control or total elimination of the chemical "dihydrogen monoxide."
    Before asking them to sign the petition, he showed them the dangers associated with this chemical.  They are broad and apparently threatening:
        •  It can cause excessive sweating and vomiting
        •  It is a major component in acid rain
        •  It can cause severe burns in its gaseous state
        •  Inhalation can kill you
        •  It contributes to erosion
        •  Decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes
        •  It has been found in tumors of terminal cancer patients
    The student asked 50 people if they supported a ban of the chemical. Forty-three (43) said yes, six (6) were undecided, and only one (1) knew that the chemical was water.
    When you think about it, the inherent dangers of water can put a lot of things in perspective. Not only is water a good thing, it is necessary for life! But just like all good things, there are risks, downsides, and negative associations with just about anything in life. It’s what you do with water that matters. How we use what we have been given and how we respond to circumstances we face is far more important than what those circumstances are at face value. A destructive experience for one person is the catalyst for success for another.
    Two fathers in the same town with similar families and life circumstances faced a similar trial. Both received word from a mutual friend that their junior high boys were involved in some mild illegal activity (if there is such a thing). How the two fathers responded made a lasting difference.
    The first father saw the crisis as an opportunity to make changes in his own schedule choices to give his son more time, and to become more involved in his life, talking regularly about his values and the things in life that are important. The other father blew his top, grounded him for an indefinite period of time, and made sure the kid knew he might never be forgiven. The first father grew closer to his son, who entered adulthood as a mature young man, eager to contribute to society. The other father became alienated from his son, who grew up struggling with addictions, has moved from job to job, and broken relationship to broken relationship. They both started their families with similar beliefs and values. They faced similar crises, but how they responded to the crisis and communicated those values made the difference.
    Water is a very good thing….a necessary thing. So is adversity, success, friendship, material resources, and many other things we have in life. How you do in life is not based on what you’ve been given; it's what you do with what you’ve been given that matters!


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