Is This a Good Post?

Social mediaSome people still say that social media is fading. I’ve heard naysayers claim that kids are no longer using Facebook. They're into Snapchat, Instagram, Tumblr or Twitter. I’ve heard it said, “Your kids aren’t on Facebook anymore, but their grandparents are."Yes, a lot of grandmas are now online, but the kids are as well. It’s not a fading trend. Social media is here to stay, and it will for a long time be the fastest way to get your thoughts, opinions, or latest news into the open.But when it comes to your social media activity, is Jesus Lord?Almost every time I get online, at some point I’m shaking my head, thinking, “Why would you post that?"Some posts make you look selfish; some immature; some make you look foolish; and some are just plain nasty.As a follower of Jesus, is Facebook within the sphere of things that you submit to him for his approval? Or is this one of those areas where you think he just won’t understand.Are you really a follower of Jesus? All the time and in every aspect of your life? Or only when and where he’s trending?Here are some good questions to ask yourself before you hit that “post” button:•  Is this to make me look good...better than I really am?•  Is this an attempt to get other people interested in me or my life?•  Will this encourage and/or lift up others?•  Will this help the world, or even my sphere of it, be better because of it?These are not only good questions to ask before posting, but anytime we communicate with others. The Apostle Paul said in Ephesians 4:29 (NIV), “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”This doesn’t mean that there is no place for humor, updating friends on events in our lives, or pondering on observations. I think all of those things can be a beneficial use of social media because we can all be uplifted by them to some degree. But the bottom line for any of our communication, whether in person, on social media, by phone or texting, should always be, “Am I honoring/pleasing my Lord with this and am I blessing the person I’m talking to?" If not, it may be best to keep that thought in private, and voice it alone to God in prayer.Now…share this post so your friends will know of your intentions. :-)


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