Experiencing God

Is our God interactive? Can we encounter his presence in such a way that we sense his prompting and hear his voice with spiritual ears? Or is he just way up there and us down here?

Experiencing God was a Bible Study series written by Henry Blackaby and Claude King. It took the church world by storm about 25 years ago. The study was both challenging and rewarding.

Blackaby and King essentially taught this: We first encounter God through salvation, which comes to us by God’s grace as we repent of our sins and exercise faith in Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. Following salvation, we learn to grow in our relationship with the Lord, listening to his Word and praying. As that relationship grows, we begin to sense invitations from God to serve and obey him in special ways. As we consider our response to those invitations, we inevitably face a crisis of belief, the point where we have to decide “Do I believe what I say I believe? Am I willing to let go of myself, to sacrifice in order to serve and obey God?” If the answer is “yes,” we make needed adjustments in our lives to accommodate that obedience, and then, when we respond in obedience, and only then, do we enjoy and experience the presence of God to its fullest.

One of the authors’ premises is that a Christian cannot walk with God and stay the same. If we enjoy his presence, he will change us! So what about all those stagnated Christians who seem to be stuck in the same place they were years ago (maybe you are there yourself)? Why would that be?

The answer is simple and is found during that critical time; the “crisis of belief.” When facing the decision, “Am I willing to sacrifice, really sacrifice, in order to obey God?” you are determining whether or not you will enjoy the reward of interacting with God. Those who decide the required sacrifice is not worth it, get stuck. Those who obey, no matter what the outcome may be, might suffer some temporary difficulties, but ultimately rise victoriously and know the joy of God’s presence.

Are you really enjoying an interactive relationship with God? I hope so…there is nothing like it! If not...what’s holding you back? What is so important that it would keep you from the thrill of walking with and grasping the very presence of our awesome God?

“Whoever desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” – Mark 8:34


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