The Case For Christ

Case for ChristI don’t often go to the movies, especially Christian movies. Sorry, but in my mind they tend to be cheesy and the acting subpar.But, The Case For Christ, is an exception. I’ve been a fan of the book and of Lee Strobel for many years. I’ve read the book more than a few times, and I’ve given away dozens of copies. Strobel’s story is a compelling one, and the book makes such a strong case for Jesus’ resurrection, it’s hard to deny for an open-minded reader.The movie focuses more on Strobel’s journey to becoming a Christian than the book, and you don’t find as much by way of apologetic detail as you do in the book. But I have to say, the movie moved both Linda and me to tears. The fascinating part is that the most stirring scenes actually happened. I encourage you, see the movie! But you have to hurry. I think it’s only in theaters for a few more days.After seeing the movie and while walking to our car, I said to Linda, “Something that struck me, while the Strobels have a very interesting story to tell, there are a lot of testimonies that would make great movies.” You’ve seen and heard some short clips of people’s lives in video testimonies we have shown here at The Bridge. And those are just stories of people who are here. There are so many lives that have been changed dramatically by embracing Jesus’ unbelievable return from the dead, that Hollywood could not afford to tell all of their stories. But if they could, they’d all be fascinating.Jesus changes lives. He really does. My life is a testament to the power of Jesus’ resurrection. And I’m surrounded by many others.This Easter, let the ham be the minor part of your celebration. I hope you get time with family and all of that. But I want to challenge you, take a good look at Jesus’ claim to have power over death. Examine the evidence. Consider the implications.Because if it really happened, if Jesus died and came back from the grave after being in the tomb for three days, it’s the most important event in history. And there’s nothing in your life that could compare, when it comes to what really matters. Your eternity is at stake.


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