Can't See Where You Are Going?

Car HoodI was a 20 year old college student driving down an interstate highway. I didn’t have any money, but had an old AMC Matador (AMC is no longer around). Traveling at about 65mph, the hood latch gave way, and the hood popped up and slammed back into my windshield, creating a spiderweb crack and covering my view of the road (and other cars). It was just like the movie Tommy Boy. Talk about scary! Somehow, I braked slowly and was able to move to the side of the road without hitting anything.It’s hard to move forward safely, when you can’t see where you are going.Can you?Our future is full of unseen twists and turns. There’s bad weather ahead, traffic jams, and speed traps. Sometimes you get behind a couple of semis riding parallel (why do they do that?). But it doesn’t get much worse than having your hood fly up, completely covering your view. That’s what Randy Larson and Cheryl Krupa are experiencing. Sometimes you face things in life that are so overwhelming, you can barely see into tomorrow. It’s hard to even make it to the end of the day; like getting over to the side of the road when your hood pops up.But if we are following Jesus, we do have assurance, that no matter what is ahead, we can know where we are going, ultimately. Billy Graham’s father-in-law, Dr. Nelson Bell, was known for this quote, “Only those who are prepared to die are really prepared to live.” Because when you have confidence in your final destination, it gives you peace while going over the bumps in the road.So…can you see where you are going? Jesus wants to give you clarity. You won’t, and shouldn’t want to know, everything you’ll see up ahead. But you can know, and should know, how to get to your ultimate destination. That comes by faith in Jesus' death to forgive you, and his resurrection to save you.


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