What Do You Say?

I have perfect pitch. I guess it’s pretty unusual. I learned when I was a kid that I could hum middle C without hearing it first. I later learned that’s perfect pitch. I just now tried it again, hummed what I thought was middle C, and then played the note online, and bingo, I had it exactly. I understand that even a lot of accomplished musicians and singers are not able to do that. 

But when I was a kid and was singing a song, my mom told me that I sounded awful. When you hear those things as a child, you believe them, and it changes you. I was careful never to sing out loud again without being surrounded by a group. So what could have been a gift to develop, never was.

On the other hand, when I was a new Christian in high school, my youth pastor gave me an opportunity to bring a 10-minute devotional. I still remember it, and looking back, it was pretty bad, with errant theology and poor delivery. But while I was speaking, I could see one of our youth leaders (also my high school speech teacher) lean over and whisper to her husband, “He’s a good preacher.”

I wasn’t as bad a singer as my mom said. And I wasn’t a good preacher like my speech teacher said. But those two statements were both burned in my brain. I wonder how things would have been different had my mom commended my singing and my speech teacher disparaged my preaching. Move over Janson and Hayden! Scott’s singing the lead on that release! (I just sensed some shuddering).

Few of us understand the power of words. But if we are honest, we all remember negative and positive things said to us or about us that changed us. Yet, knowing that, do we pay close attention to the things we say to and about others?

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” – Proverbs 18:21
“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.” – Proverbs 25:11
“The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit.” – Proverbs 15:4

Scriptures like these (and so many more) are not only found in Proverbs. Jesus’ teaching, Paul’s epistles, and James’ letter, all speak of our tongue being the test of sanctification for followers of Jesus.

And your words affect your own mood. Speaking positively or negatively changes your attitude and outlook. But bigger than that, like it did with me, and probably you, your words can shape someone’s future. 

What impact are your words making?




Why Does It Matter?