Out Of Control

There are some things you can control. You can control what you say and do. You can control your attitude and how you think. These are responsibilities God gives us and we are accountable for them.

But there are some things you can’t control. You can’t control what other people say, do, and think. We are to pay attention to how our words and actions affect others, but you can’t control how everyone will respond to what you say and do. But again, you can control how you respond to their reactions.

The more we try to control what others say, do, and think, and even how they react to what we say and do, those situations can spiral out-of-control. When we attempt to control the things we cannot, anxiety takes over and we are able to focus less on the things we can control.

So then, what do we do when others say things that are not right, and do things that are bad? Especially when those things affect us or people we love?

  • Confront – If we have a relationship with the offending person, it is often the right response to approach them and have a conversation. Speaking the truth in love does make an impact. So frame your words with love and address the problem. In reality, you may learn something from that conversation that puts things in a different perspective for you.

  • Forgive – Whether or not you get a positive response, it’s important that you let the matter go. That’s what forgiveness is. It’s not necessarily a restoration of trust, but it’s letting it go. It’s unburdening yourself of whatever the matter is. Remember again, you have no control over any other person, only you.

  • Trust – God is sovereign. He knows what’s going on, and He sees the whole picture (we rarely do). Trust Him to take care of the situation, and leave it in His hands. Stop trying to solve it yourself. He’s way better at that than you or me!

  • Obey – No matter what is going on in the world around us, or what drama is surrounding our relationships at work, home, or among friends, we can do the right thing. We can do what God wants us to do. Trusting God leads to obeying Him even in those situations that are out of our control.

The nature of life involves many situations where we have little, if any, control. It’s part of our existence. But we can all simplify these complicated circumstances by staying focused on ourselves: trusting God, obeying Him, and loving others.




Cultivating Tomorrow