In the Bahamas last week, a tour boat witnessed a dog jumping into the ocean after a hammerhead shark. On land, I think we know who the winner would be. But in the sea? That dog would be no match for the 12- foot predator.
JUST ONE Honduras
Five years ago, Maddie Trncic came to work for us at The Bridge. She came to us from a ministry in Honduras. She agreed to work in our church office for just six months because her heart was with students in Honduras who had no means to continue their education.
Do You Want Help?
If you put a vulture in a 6’x8’ pen that is open on top, the bird, despite its ability to fly, would be a prisoner. Vultures learn to fly by running 10 to 12 feet and lifting off. They are fully capable of taking off in a short span, they just don’t know it.
How To Pray Intentionally
You read about people in the Bible praying for long periods of time, and you wish you could do that, but how? Stories of prayer warriors like “Praying John Hyde” and George Muller intrigue you, but you think that kind of praying is only for the super spiritual.
What Are You Thinking About?
Two sisters, a year apart in middle school, returned from winter break after a week at Disney World with their family. One was down in the dumps and when asked what was wrong, she retorted, “I just came back from a week off school in Florida to this freezing cold weather and homework––that’s what’s wrong.”
Seasonal Depression
I know that winter is hard. I know it’s long in Chicago, and there isn’t much for us to do outside when it’s cold here. I also know that seasonal depression is a real thing.