The Tightrope

TightropeForget the tightrope, I can’t balance on a stationary balance beam. It’s funny, when it’s close to the ground, I can run right across for yards, without any trouble. But put it up in the air a few feet, and I’ll topple off by my third step. There’s something about increase risk that unnerves us.Then you think about balancing on and walking a wire suspended in the air. The trouble with tightropes is that, even when as taut as possible, they move. Now you are trying to keep your balance on something that moves, that’s also way up in the air.And that’s life. A lot of us are attempting to keep our balance and make our way along the suspended wire of life. It’s up-in-the-air, and it’s constantly moving. We’re trying to continually adjust, keep from falling, and still make progress forward. And when we look around and consider the peril, we know that there is a lot at stake for maintaining our balance. There’s too much to lose if we fall. That makes it even harder.Are you feeling that way?The Tightrope is a four-week sermon series on balancing life. And I think most of us see the need in our own lives. The cool thing about the Bible is that it contains the answers to our most difficult questions. God’s Word not only reveals our need for salvation in Jesus, but also teaches us how to live.As a young man, I began to appreciate the practical nature of the Bible. I began to see it as both a spiritual and applicable book. So much in it, when applied to our daily lives, produces a life that is balanced, fulfilling, and honoring to our Maker. God gave us the Bible to reveal himself to us, give us eternal life, and then teach us how to live. In so many ways, it’s life’s instruction manual.So do your best to be at The Bridge every week for the next four weeks. Maybe your unbalanced life is keeping you from making that commitment. Then that’s your first step. Make church your priority these next four weeks, and see what God does through them.


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