The Perfect Christmas Gift

There’s a meme flying around on social media picturing a man staring off into the distance with the words: “Wondering how I can get my wife the perfect Christmas gift when she already has me.”

I thought about reposting it for fun, just to see what my wife would write in the comments. But after so many reposts of the same meme, it loses its amusement.

So instead, I began thinking about this in a serious way. What if we all really did this? Gave ourselves as gifts?

What if instead of stressing about throw-away trinkets and clothes that will soon be outdated…What if we gave the same amount of attention and energy to serving others?

I’m not advocating for husbands to stop buying wives Christmas presents. (My wife would miss shopping for herself and wrapping her gift on my behalf). I’m advocating for us to give ourselves to others. To live like Jesus told us to. To be the kind of Christians that we are taught to be in the New Testament.

Whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all” (Jesus, Mark 10:43-44).

Serve one another” (1 Peter 4:10).

Through love serve one another” (Galatians 5:13).

Outdo one another in showing honor” (Romans 12:10).

Serve with a good attitude, as to the Lord and not to men” (Ephesians 6:7).

Seeing ourselves as servants to those around us takes intentional thought. Our nature revolves around self-preservation and self-promotion. We may not want to admit it, but we’d really rather serve ourselves and have others serve us, than the other way around.

So to follow Jesus’ example and do as He says will take intentionality. Make it part of your quiet time with God at the beginning of the day to ask Him to direct you. Spend time in reflection, thinking through and planning how you will serve those in your family and at work.

When you do this intentionally for a long enough time, it becomes a lifestyle and a reputation. That’s when Jesus’ followers truly reflect Him and become magnates for the Gospel.

I know the meme was intended to be humorous. And I smiled when I first read it. But I’d much rather make that meme true. I’d rather live in a way that my wife, friends, and coworkers actually think about me like this. I’m a long way from that, but that’s why we follow Jesus.

Taking His words seriously and being filled with His Spirit enables us to become gifts to those around us.


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